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Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hardware. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

November 19, 2018

What is Computer Virus? Categories of viruses

What is a Computer Virus? 

A computer machine infection is a malignant program that self-imitates by replicating itself to another program. At the end of the day, the computer machine infection spreads without anyone else's input into other executable code or reports. The reason for making a computer machine infection is to taint powerless frameworks, gain administrator control and take client touchy information. Programmers plan computer machine infections with malevolent purpose and go after online clients by deceiving them.

What is Computer Virus? Categories of viruses
What is Computer Virus? Categories of viruses

One of the perfect techniques by which infections spread is through messages – opening the connection in the email, visiting a tainted site, tapping on an executable document, or review a contaminated promotion can make the infection spread to your framework. Other than that, diseases likewise spread while interfacing with officially contaminated removable capacity gadgets, for example, USB drives.

It is very simple and straightforward for the infections to sneak into a computer machine by avoiding the resistance frameworks. An effective break can cause difficult issues for the client, for example, contaminating different assets or framework programming, adjusting or erasing key capacities or applications and duplicate/erase or encode information.

There are two kinds of routes in infections work, when they arrive on another gadget they start recreating, while the second type plays dead until a specific trigger makes the noxious code to be executed. In this manner, it is exceptionally imperative to remain secured by introducing a strong antivirus program.

By and by, the modern ones accompany avoidance abilities that assistance in bypassing antivirus programming and other propelled dimensions of guards. In this way, the polymorphic malware improvement in the ongoing occasions empowers the infections to progressively change its code as it spreads. This has made the infection recognition and distinguishing proof exceptionally difficult.

The History of Computer Virus 

Robert thomas, an architect at bbn technologies built up the primary known computer machine infection in the year 1971. The principal infection was dedicated as the "creeper" infection, and the test program did by thomas tainted centralized servers on arpanet. The print message showed on the screens perused, "i'm the creeper: catch me on the off chance that you can."

In any case, the first wild computer machine infection, likely the first to be found in the historical backdrop of computer machine infections was "elk cloner." the elk cloner contaminated apple ii working frameworks through floppy circles. The message showed on tainted apple computers was a diverting one. The infection was produced by richard skrenta, a young person in the year 1982. Despite the fact that the computer machine infections were planned as a trick, it likewise edified how a noxious program could be introduced in a computer machine's memory and prevent clients from expelling the program.

It was fred cohen, who instituted the expression "computer machine infection" and it was following a year in 1983. The term appeared when he endeavored to compose a scholarly paper titled "computer machine viruses – theory and experiments" itemizing about the vindictive projects in his work.

Categories of Computer Viruses

 A computer machine infection is one type of malware that embeds its infection code to increase itself by modifying the projects and applications. The computer machine gets tainted through the replication of vindictive code.

Computer machine infections come in various structures to taint the framework in various ways. Probably the most widely recognized infections are

Boot sector virus :This kind of infection taints the ace boot record and it is testing and a perplexing undertaking to evacuate this infection and regularly requires the framework to be organized. For the most part it spreads through removable media.

Coordinate action virus:This is likewise called non-inhabitant infection, it gets introduced or remains covered up in the computer machine memory. It remains joined to the particular kind of records that it contaminates. It doesn't influence the client experience and framework's execution.

Inhabitant virus : Unlike direct activity infections, occupant infections get introduced on the computer machine. It is hard to distinguish the infection and it is even hard to evacuate an inhabitant infection.

Multipartite virus: This kind of infection spreads through various ways. It taints both the boot part and executable records in the meantime.

Polymorphic virus: These kind of infections are hard to relate to a conventional enemy of infection program. This is on the grounds that the polymorphic infections changes its mark design at whatever point it repeats.

Overwrite virus :This kind of infection erases every one of the documents that it contaminates. The main conceivable instrument to evacuate is to erase the tainted records and the end-client needs to lose every one of the substance in it. Recognizing the overwrite infection is troublesome as it spreads through messages.

Spacefiller virus: This is likewise called "cavity viruses". This is called so as they top off the vacant spaces between the code and subsequently does not make any harm the record.

File infectors:

 Scarcely any document infector infections come joined with program records, for example, .com or .exe documents. Some record infector infections taint any program for which execution is asked for, including .sys, .ovl, .prg, and .mnu documents. Therefore, when the specific program is stacked, the infection is additionally stacked.

Other than these, the other document infector infections come as a totally included program or content sent in email connections.

Macro infections:

 As the name proposes, the full scale infections especially target large scale dialect directions in applications like Microsoft Word. The equivalent is inferred on different projects as well.

In MS Word, the macros are keystrokes that are installed in the archives or spared groupings for directions. The full scale infections are intended to add their vindictive code to the bona fide large scale successions in a Word record. Be that as it may, as the years passed by, Microsoft Word saw debilitating of macros of course in later forms. Therefore, the cybercriminals began to utilize social designing plans to target clients. All the while, they trap the client and empower macros to dispatch the infection.

Since full scale infections are making a returned the ongoing years, Microsoft immediately struck back by including another element in Office 2016. The component empowers security administrators to specifically empower large scale utilize. Truly, it very well may be empowered for confided in work processes and blocked whenever required over the association.

Overwrite Viruses:

 The infection configuration reason will in general differ and Overwrite Viruses are transcendently intended to demolish a document or application's information. As the name says everything, the infection in the wake of assaulting the COMPUTER MACHINE begins overwriting records with its own code. Not to be trifled with, these infections are more equipped for focusing on particular records or applications or deliberately overwrite all documents on a tainted gadget.

On the flipside, the overwrite infection is equipped for introducing another code in the records or applications which programs them to spread the infection to extra documents, applications, and frameworks.

Polymorphic Viruses:

More cybercriminals are relying upon the polymorphic infection. It is a malware type which can change or transform its hidden code without changing its fundamental capacities or highlights. This helps the infection on a computer or system to dodge identification from numerous antimalware and risk recognition items.

Since infection evacuation programs rely upon distinguishing marks of malware, these infections are deliberately intended to escape recognition and recognizable proof. At the point when a security programming distinguishes a polymorphic infection, the infection adjusts itself consequently, it is not any more perceivable utilizing the past mark.

Resident Viruses:

The Resident infection inserts itself in the memory of a PC. Fundamentally, the first infection program isn't required to taint new records or applications. Notwithstanding when the first infection is erased, the variant put away in memory can be initiated. This happens when the PC OS stacks certain applications or capacities. The inhabitant infections are troublesome because of the reason they can run unnoticed by antivirus and antimalware programming by covering up in the framework's RAM.

Rootkit Viruses:

The rootkit infection is a malware type which furtively introduces an illicit rootkit on a tainted framework. This opens the entryway for assailants and gives them full control of the framework. The assailant will have the capacity to on a very basic level adjust or debilitate capacities and projects. Like other modern infections, the rootkit infection is additionally made to sidestep antivirus programming. The most recent forms of major antivirus and antimalware programs incorporate rootkit examining.

 System or Boot-record Infectors:

 The Boot-record Infectors taint executable code found in particular framework regions on a circle. As the name infers, they join to the USB thumb drives and DOS boot segment on diskettes or the Master Boot Record on hard plates. Boot infections are not any more typical nowadays as the most recent gadgets depend less on physical capacity media.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 11, 2018

Computer Input Devices. [ Full Explain ] Example

Computer Input Devices. [ Full Explain ]

Those type of hardware devices are used to input instructions to our computer system is called Input Device.

There are some usable input devices below:



           Joy Stick

           Light pen

           Track Ball


           Graphic Tablet


           Magnetic Ink Card Reader(MICR)

           Optical Character Reader(OCR)

           Bar Code Reader

           Optical Mark Reader(OMR)

Computer Input Devices. [ Full Explain ]
Computer Input Devices. [ Full Explain ] 


Keyboard is the most widely recognized and exceptionally prevalent input device which helps to input data to the PC. The format of the keyboard resembles that of conventional , in spite of the fact that there are some extra keys accommodated playing out extra capacities.

Keyboards are of two sizes 84 keys or 101/102 keys, however now keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are additionally accessible for Windows and Internet.


Mouse is the most well known pointing device. It is an extremely popular cursor-control device having a little palm estimate box with a round ball at its base, which detects the development of the mouse and sends relating signals to the CPU when the mouse buttons are pressed.

By and large, it has two button called the left and right button and a wheel is available between the buttons. A mouse can be utilized to control the situation of the cursor on the screen, yet it can't be utilized to enter content into the PC.


Joystick is additionally a pointing device, which is utilized to move the cursor position on a screen. It is a stick having a round ball at its both lower and upper closures. The lower circular ball moves in an attachment. The joystick can be moved in each of the four headings.

The capacity of the joystick is like that of a mouse. It is chiefly utilized in Computer Aided Designing (CAD) and playing for computer games.

Light Pen

Light pen is a pointing device comparative as a pen. It is utilized to choose a shown menu thing or draw pictures on the screen. It comprises of a photocell and an optical framework put in a little tube.

At the point when the tip of a light pen is moved over the screen and the pen button is pressed, its photocell detecting component distinguishes the screen area and sends the comparing signals to the CPU.

Track Ball

Track ball is an input device that is generally utilized in notebook, laptops instead of  a mouse. This is a ball which is half embedded and by moving fingers on the ball, the pointer can be moved.

Since the whole device isn't moved, a track ball requires less space than a mouse. A track ball comes in different shapes as a ball, a button, or a square.


Scanner is an input device that looks like a photocopy machine.It is utilized when some data is accessible on paper and after manipulating it is transferred to hard disk.

Scanner captures pictures from the source which are then changed over into a digital shape that can be put on hard disk . These pictures can be edited before printed.


Digitizer is an input device which changes over simple data into computerized form. Digitizer can change over a flag from the TV or camera into a series of numbers that could be stored in a PC. They can be utilized by the PC to make an image of whatever the camera had been pointed at.

Digitizer is also called Tablet or Graphics Tablet as it changes over illustrations and pictorial information into parallel sources of info. A realistic tablet as digitizer is utilized for fine works of illustration and picture control applications.


Microphone is an input device to include sound that is sore in pc in digital form.
The microphone is utilized for different applications, for example, adding sound to a media introduction or for mixing music.

Magnatic Ink Card Reader (MICR)

MICR input device is for the most part utilized in banks as there are huge number of checks to be handled each day. The bank's code number and check number are imprinted on the checks with a unique sort of ink that contains particles of attractive material that are machine readable.

This reading procedure is called Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR). The fundamental focal points of MICR is that it is quick and less blunder inclined.

Optical Character Reader (OCR)

OCR is an input device used to peruse a printed content.

OCR filters the content optically, character by character, changes over them into a machine decipherable code, and stores the content on the framework memory.

Bar Code Reader

BCR is a device utilized for perusing bar coded (information as light and dull lines). Bar coded information is for the most part utilized in marking merchandise, numbering the books, and so on. It might be a handheld scanner or might be implanted in a stationary scanner.

BCR filters a scanner tag picture, changes over it into an alphanumeric esteem, which is then nourished to the PC that the scanner tag peruse is associated with.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

OMR is an exceptional sort of optical scanner used to perceive the kind of check made by pen or pencil. It is utilized where one out of a couple of choices is to be chosen and checked.

It is exceptionally utilized for checking the appropriate response sheets of examinations having various decision questions.

Friday, November 9, 2018

November 09, 2018

Primary and Secondary Memory in Computer. Full Explanation

 Primary and Secondary Memory in Computer

Computer Memory– 

Memory is capacity part in computer. It is store the information, data, programs amid handling in computer. It stores information either incidentally or changeless premise. Memory used to vital job in sparing and recovering information.

 Primary and Secondary Memory in Computer. Full Explanation
 Primary and Secondary Memory in Computer. Full Explanation

Types of Memory– Mainly computer have two types memory

 1.         Primary Memory/Volatile Memory.

2.         Secondary Memory/Non Volatile Memory.

I. Main Memory/ Primary Memor/Volatile Memory:

Primary memory is interior memory of the computer. It is otherwise called fundamental memory and Temporary memory .Primary Memory holds the information and guidance on which computer is right now working. Primary Memory is nature unstable or volatile. It implies when control is turned off it lost all information.

 Kinds of Primary Memory– Primary memory is by and large of two types.

1.         RAM

2.         ROM

1. RAM (Random Access Memory):

It remains for Random Access Memory.RAM is known as read or write memory. It by and large refereed as fundamental memory of the computer framework. It is a transitory memory. The data put away in this memory is lost as the power supply to the computer is turned off. That is the reason RAM is additionally called Volatile Memory.

Types of RAM– RAM is likewise of two kinds:

a) Static RAM:

Static RAM otherwise called SRAM ,hold put away data as long as the power supply is ON. SRAM are of higher drift and expend more power .They have higher speed than Dynamic RAM

b)Dynamic RAM:

Dynamic RAM otherwise called DRAM, its put away data in a brief span (a couple of milliseconds) despite the fact that the power supply is ON. The Dynamic RAM are less expensive and moderate speed and furthermore they devour less power.

2. ROM (Read Only Memory):

It remains for Read Only Memory. ROM is a Permanent Type memory. Its substance is not lost when control supply is turned off. Substance of ROM is chosen by the computer producer and for all time put away at the season of assembling. ROM can't be overwritten by the computer. It is likewise called "Non-Volatile Memory".

Types of ROM: ROM memory is three types names are following-

 1. PROM(Programmable Read Only Memory)- PROM chip is programmable is PROM chips to compose information once and read many. Once chip has been modified ,the recorded data can't be changed. PROM is likewise nonvolatile memory.

2. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)- EPROM chip can be customized over and over by deleting the data put away before in it. Data put away in EPROM uncovering the chip for quite a while bright light.

3. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)- The EEPROM is customized and deleted by unique electrical waves in millisecond. A solitary byte of information or the whole substance of gadget can be eradicated.

 II. Auxiliary Memory/Secondary Memory/Non Volatile Memory:

Secondary Memory is outside memory of the computer. It is otherwise called Auxiliary memory and lasting memory. It is utilized to store the distinctive projects and the data forever. Optional Memory is nature non unstable. It implies information is put away forever regardless of whether control is turned off. 

Some secondary memory are: 

1.   Floppy Disks

2.   Magnetic (Hard) Disk

3.   Magnetic Tapes

4.    Pen Drive

5.    Winchester Disk

6.    Optical Disk(CD,DVD)

November 09, 2018

Basic Computer_What is Secondary Memory? Explain.

Secondary Memory:

You realize that processor memory, it is also known as  Primary Memory, is costly and in addition restricted. The quicker Primary Memory are also volatile in nature. In the event that we have to store expansive measure of information or projects for all time, we require a less expensive and changeless memory. Such memory is called secondary memory. Here we will talk about auxiliary memory gadgets that can be utilized to store huge measure of information, sound, video and sight and sound records.

What is Secondary Memory? Explain.
What is Secondary Memory? Explain.

 Qualities of Secondary Memory

These are a few qualities of secondary memory, which recognize it from Primary Memory −

       It is non-unpredictable, i.e. it holds information when control is turned off

       It is extensive abilities to the tune of terabytes

       It is less expensive when contrasted with Primary Memory

Contingent upon whether auxiliary memory gadget is a piece of CPU or not, there are two kinds of secondary memory – settled and removable.

Give us a chance to take a gander at a portion of the secondary memory gadgets accessible.

 Hard Disk Drive

Hard disk drive is comprised of a progression of roundabout circles brought platters masterminded one over the other nearly ½ inches separated around an axle. Circles are made of non-attractive material like aluminum combination and covered with 10-20 nm of attractive material.

Standard distance across of these plates is 14 inches and they pivot with rates fluctuating from 4200 rpm (revolutions every moment) for PCs to 15000 rpm for servers. Information is put away by polarizing or demagnetizing the attractive covering. An attractive peruser arm is utilized to peruse information from and compose information to the circles. A commonplace present day HDD has limit in terabytes (TB).

CD Drive

Cd remains for Compact Disk. Albums are roundabout circles that utilization optical beams, generally lasers, to peruse and compose information. They are extremely shabby as you can get 700 MB of storage room for not exactly a dollar. Compact discs are embedded in CD drives incorporated with CPU bureau. They are versatile as you can discharge the drive, expel the CD and convey it with you. There are three sorts of CDs −

       CD-ROM (Compact Disk – Read Only Memory) − The information on these CDs are recorded by the producer. Restrictive Software, sound or video are discharged on CD-ROMs.

       CD-R (Compact Disk – Recordable) − Data can be composed by the client once on the CD-R. It can't be erased or altered later.

       CD-RW (Compact Disk – Rewritable) − Data can be composed and erased on these optical plates over and over.

DVD Drive

DVD remains for Digital Video Display. DVD are optical gadgets that can store 15 times the information held by CDs. They are normally used to store rich media documents that require high stockpiling limit. DVDs likewise come in three assortments – read just, recordable and re-writable.

 Pen Drive

Pen drive is a compact memory gadget that utilizes strong state memory as opposed to attractive fields or lasers to record information. It utilizes an innovation like RAM, then again, actually it is nonvolatile. It is also called USB drive, key drive or glimmer memory.

Blu Ray Disk

Blu Ray Disk (BD) is an optical stockpiling media used to store top notch (HD) video and other sight and sound documented. BD utilizes shorter wavelength laser when contrasted with CD/DVD. This empowers composing arm to center all the more firmly around the circle and subsequently pack in more information. BDs can accumulate to 128 GB information.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 08, 2018

What is a computer RAM and what does it do?


What is a computer RAM and what does it do?
What is a computer RAM and what does it do?

RAM is computer Primary Memory. On the other hand alluded to as principle memory, essential memory, or framework memory, Random Access Memory (RAM) is an equipment gadget that enables data to be put away and recovered on a PC. Smash is normally connected with DRAM, which is a kind of memory module. Since data is gotten to haphazardly rather than consecutively like it is on a CD or hard drive, the PC can get to the information substantially quicker. In any case, in contrast to ROM or the hard drive, RAM is an unpredictable memory and expects capacity to keep the information available. In the event that the PC is killed, all information contained in RAM is lost.

Tip: New clients regularly mistake RAM for plate drive space. See our memory definition for an examination among memory and capacity.

•           Types of RAM

           Additional RAM data

           History of RAM

           Related RAM pages.

           Computer memory help and support.

Types of RAM

Over the advancement of the PC there have been distinctive varieties of RAM. A portion of the more typical models are DIMM, RIMM, SIMM, SO-DIMM, and SOO-RIMM. The following is a precedent picture of a 512 MB DIMM PC memory module, a run of the mill bit of RAM found in personal computers. This memory module would be introduced into one of the memory openings on a motherboard.

Additional RAM data

As the PC boots, parts of the working framework and drivers are stacked into memory, which enables the CPU to process the directions quicker and accelerates the boot procedure. After the working framework has stacked, each program you open, for example, the program you're utilizing to see this page, is stacked into memory while it is running. In the event that such a large number of projects are open, the PC will swap the information in the memory between the RAM and the hard circle drive.

A PC's speed and execution is generally credited to the measure of memory in the PC. On the off chance that a PC does not have enough memory to run the working framework and programming programs being utilized, it will result in a slower execution. More memory in a PC enables it to proficiently run the working framework and any product projects, decreasing or dispensing with the requirement for documents and information to be swapped all through memory consistently.

History of RAM

The main type of RAM came to fruition in 1947 with the utilization of the Williams tube. It used a cathode beam tube (CRT) and information was put away on the substance of the CRT as electrically charged spots.

The second broadly utilized type of RAM was attractive center memory, imagined in 1947. Frederick Viehe is credited with a significant part of the work, having petitioned for a few licenses identifying with the plan. Attractive center memory works using modest metal rings and wires interfacing with each ring. One piece of information could be put away per ring and got to whenever.

Be that as it may, RAM as we probably am aware it today, as strong state memory, was first developed in 1968 by Robert Dennard. Referred to explicitly as powerful arbitrary access memory, or DRAM, transistors were utilized to store bits of information.

Monday, October 29, 2018

October 29, 2018

Computer Output Peripheral Details

 Computer Output Peripheral Details


Screens, usually called as Visual Display Unit (VDU), are the fundamental yield gadget of a PC. It shapes pictures from minor spots, considered pixels that are masterminded in a rectangular frame. The sharpness of the picture relies on the quantity of pixels.

Computer Output Peripheral Details
Computer Output Peripheral Details

There are two sorts of survey screen utilized for screens.

           Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT)

           Flat-Panel Display

Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) Monitor

The CRT show is liitle dots called pixel. The littler the pixels, the better the picture clearness or goals. It takes in excess of one lit up pixel to shape an entire character, for example, the letter 'e' in the word help.

A limited number of characters can be shown on a screen immediately.  Most screens are equipped for showing 80 characters of information on a level plane and 25 lines vertically.

There are a few burdens of CRT −

           Large in Size

           High control utilization

Level Panel Display Monitor

The level board show alludes to a class of video gadgets that have decreased volume, weight and power necessity in contrast with the CRT. You can drape them on dividers or wear them on your wrists. Current employments of level board shows incorporate adding machines, computer games, screens, PC phone, designs show.

The level board show is isolated into two classifications −

           Emissive Displays − Emissive presentations are gadgets that proselyte electrical vitality into light. For instance, plasma board and LED (Light-Emitting Diodes).

           Non-Emissive Displays − Non-emissive showcases utilize optical impacts to change over daylight or light from some other source into designs. For instance, LCD (Liquid-Crystal Device).


Printer is a yield gadget, or, in other words print data on paper.

There are two sorts of printers −

           Impact Printers

           Non-Impact Printers

Effect Printers

Effect printers print the characters by striking them on the strip, or, in other words on the paper.

Attributes of Impact Printers are the accompanying −

           Very low consumable expenses

           Very loud

           Useful for mass printing because of minimal effort

           There is physical contact with the paper to create a picture

These printers are of two sorts −

           Character printers

           Line printers

Character Printers

Character printers are the printers which print one character at any given moment.

These are additionally isolated into two sorts:

           Dot Matrix Printer(DMP)

           Daisy Wheel

Spot Matrix Printer

In the market, a standout amongst the most prevalent printers is Dot Matrix Printer. These printers are mainstream on account of their simplicity of printing and sparing cost. Each character printed is as example of specks and head comprises of a Matrix of Pins of size (5*7, 7*9, 9*7 or 9*9) which turn out to shape a character which is the reason it is called Dot Matrix Printer.

Favorable circumstances


           Widely Used

           Other dialect characters can be printed


           Slow Speed

           Poor Quality

Daisy Wheel

Head is lying on a haggle comparing to characters resemble petals of Daisy (bloom) or, in other words is called Daisy Wheel Printer. These printers are for the most part utilized for word-preparing in workplaces that require a couple of letters to be sent all over with exceptionally pleasant quality.

Points of interest

           More dependable than DMP

           Better quality

           Fonts of character can be effectively changed


           Slower than DMP


           More costly than DMP

Line Printers

Line printers are the printers which print one line at any given moment.

These are of two sorts −

           Drum Printer

           Chain Printer

Drum Printer

This printer resembles a drum fit as a fiddle thus it is called drum printer. The surface of the drum is partitioned into various tracks. A character set is decorated on the track. Diverse character sets accessible in the market are 48 character set, 64 and 96 characters set. One turn of drum prints one line. Drum printers are quick in speed and can print 300 to 2000 lines for each moment.

Favorable circumstances

           Very rapid


           Very costly

           Characters textual styles can't be changed

 Chain Printer

In this printer, a chain of character sets is utilized, consequently it is called Chain Printer. character set may 48, 64 and 96
Points of interest

           Character text styles can without much of a stretch be changed.

           Different dialects can be utilized with a similar printer.



Non-affect Printers

Non-affect printers print the characters without utilizing the lace. These printers print a total page at any given moment, in this way they are likewise called as Page Printers.

These printers are of two sorts −

           Laser Printers

           Inkjet Printers

Attributes of Non-affect Printers

           Faster than effect printers

           They are not uproarious

           High quality

           Supports numerous textual styles and distinctive character estimate

Laser Printers

These are non-affect page printers. They utilize laser lights to deliver the dabs expected to frame the characters to be imprinted on a page.

Points of interest

           Very fast

           Very amazing yield

           Good designs quality

           Supports numerous text styles and distinctive character estimate



           Cannot be utilized to create numerous duplicates of a report in a solitary printing

Inkjet Printers

Inkjet printers are non-affect character printers dependent on a generally new innovation. They print characters by showering little drops of ink onto paper. Inkjet printers create amazing yield with satisfactory highlights.

They make less clamor in light of the fact that no pounding is done and these have numerous styles of printing modes accessible. Shading printing is additionally conceivable. A few models of Inkjet printers can create numerous duplicates of printing too.

Points of interest

           High quality printing

           More solid


           Expensive as the expense per page is high

           Slow when contrasted with laser printer

Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 04, 2018

What is computer? Working of a computer system.(Full Tutorials)

A computer is an electronic machine that is high speed. basically computer used widely in homes office banks Hospital supermarkets School defence and weather forecasting and many other places.

What is computer? Working of a computer system.(Full Tutorials)
What is computer? Working of a computer system.(Full Tutorials)

Working of a computer system:

A computer is a Programmable electronic device that works in IPO circle that means input processing output. Computer understand only two digits 0 and 1. 0 means off an 1 means on. It is also called binary language or machine language.
Input and output devices provided a means of communication between the computer and the outside world.

Input devices: some of the devices which are used to enter the data into computer are called input devices.
Example :keyboard, mouse, scanner ,joystick ,light pen etc.

Output devices: some of the devices which are used to display the process result or output are called output devices. Example:monitor, printer, plotter, speaker etc.

Computer and its main parts:

A computer is an electronic device which works in IPO (input processing output) circle. It processes input data to generate the output information.

Data is text or number or images or sound which is entered by us as input in the computer system.
Information is the output given by the computer after processing the data.

What the full form of computer: the full form of computer is common operating machine particularly used for trade education and research.The computer has two main components of which are defined the working of the computer these components are: hardware and software

What is hardware?

These are most physical devices of computer which we can see and touch on the basis of their functionality they are for the divided into different categories like as input,output,processing and storage.

What is called software:. 

Software is a set of instruction given to the computer to perform a task. We cannot touch or feel the software.
These are present in the form of programs.There are two types of software
1. System software which is responsible for managing and controlling hardware.
 2.application software which performs a specific task.

Features of a computer:

A computer is a defined following features:


The computers work at a very high speed they process the data in a fraction of second. They can solve tough mathematical calculations accurately computer can work very fast.


Computers are highly accurate they calculate the correct only if the input data is correct and they calculate errors if the computer given to a wrong input.


Computers can install a huge amount of data which can be retrieved as and when required the data can be stored in the primary memory and secondary memory of the computer system.


Computer can be used by multi  user. It can perform different tasks at the same time.

Types of computers: 

Depending upon the construction size technology used and purpose computers are classified into four types.

1. Microcomputers:

 These are the most commonly used computers in a day to day life and they are characteristics by there is small size and less cost and they are also called personal computers or PC because of their designed meant for a single user or personal use.

Features of micro computers: 

CPU of microcomputer is single chip for a microprocessor.
They are used in office Home School dance etc.
They are not very bulky and take less space.

Some examples of micro computers are desktop computers and laptops pocket computers notebooks palmtops game consoles etc.

2. Mini computers:

 This computer are flexible and can be used by a large number of people at the same time. These are the general purpose computers. these are more powerful than microcomputers and also have greater storage capacity.

This can be used as a network and internet service. These are usually used by a small firms  and a business.

Features of mini computers:

They came into existence around 1960.
They are based on the transistor and core memory technology. For example PDP-8, Vax.

3. Mainframe computer: 

These are large powerful and expensive computers. They can support hundreds and thousands of users at a time. They are usually used in universities banks government organisations etc.
The example of Mainframe computer is PDP 10, IBMZ Series.

4. Super computer:

Supercomputers are the fastest and most powerful of all computers. They are very expensive and are generally used in a large processing of data is required

Features of supercomputer:

They are introduced in a 1960 centuries.They are used in the field of weather forecasting ,nuclear energy research, petroleum exploration and animated graphics.
Some example of supercomputers are Cray-1, PARAM, Beowulf etc.